Did you know that I'm running an amazing special in November? I'm donating 15% of my gross sales to Gilda's Club in honor of a friend of mine who's fighting breast cancer. She's going to win, I know, but it still hits too close to home for me. This is the least I can do for her!
So, that being said, I've begun moving myself into my amazing studio space at the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield. Today, I got to spend a little bit of one on one time (well as one on one as you can get...my sister was there!!) with my nephew G.
When I say that G is one of my all time favorite babies, I'm serious. This little guy had me from hello. Whenever I see him, my face lights up and I just get all soft and mushy. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. I love this kid!
These are just a few of him. I know they're similar poses but his expressions are priceless. I firmly believe that he's probably one of THE happiest, fattest, squishable babies ever!
Enjoy "Heavy G!" I know I do!
Until next time,
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