When I tell you that I was so excited when J called me to do D's senior images, I'm not lying. I shot his Bar Mitzvah 5 years ago and wow has he grown up!
What a fun session we had in the studio! He brought his trumpet with him and people in the mall were popping in the studio talking to him about it...And he hadn't even played it here! I guess you can just smell talent when it's around.
D's off after he graduates. He's headed overseas for a year to study. I told his mom that he'll probably come home with a wife if he's not careful! What a sweetheart of a guy and he's not bad to look at either!! :)
Today's the last day of 2008. I hope that the new year brings all of you peace, health and prosperity.
Happy New Year!!! Thanks for helping me make Frameable Faces what it is today. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2009 brings!
Until next time,